
    Verse Lyrics

    Kotlin Android application that helps users to fetch and save lyrics of songs played in Spotify automatically. Available on Playstore.


    A simple and responsive quizlet-like flashcard component with no additional dependency. Written in Javascript and React.


    A web based minimal IDE built with Monaco Editor and React. Supports multiple languages and themes. Runs faster than VSCode Web with less memory usage.


    A simple pokedex web app that fetches from custom pokemon api and displays them in a beautiful UI. Built with NextJs.


    A feature-ful news application powered by RSS. Includes AI summary.

    Surge 2022

    (Database asleep 😴)Event management website built with NextJs and Prisma. Handled 1000+ registrations and 30k+ unique page visits before the event.

    Quartz(Under dev)

    A multifunctional web app task managment tool with cross platform authentication and storage using Supabase, In the aim to replace Notion and Obsidian.


    A blog built with NextJs to keep track of my Japanese learning process. Uses markdown to store and display posts.


    A minimal web interface to explore Ethereum blockchain logs and analyze the interconnections of transactions. Built for the HackManthon 2022.